
This is kind of a meta-poster. More on that below...

So the idea was to create two different posters for a concert/recital. The smaller (A3 landscape) version would be more or less self-explanatory. The bigger version (A2 portrait, I think it was) depicts a wall of pictures and prior posters of the artist/her projects, with the most recent (the one currently being promoted) in the forefront. For this all to make sense, I should note that the subheading for the show, "Erään laulajan tarina" translates to "A singer's tale" or something along those lines.
The posters within the poster are also my work, as are most of the photographs.

I designed this poster to help promote a local theater festival. I also designed the festival's website (no longer available) and associated print documents (program/brochure/map, ID-cards etc.).

This poster is promotion for a memorial concert, or a series of two concerts both in memoriam of the same person, I guess. This is the larger A2 size version. Below is the A3 version which has a slightly different layout (not just cropped from the bigger one).